Refining Fuel Jeff Zeitlin (11 Oct 2020 22:33 UTC)
Re: [TML] Refining Fuel kaladorn@xxxxxx (11 Oct 2020 22:55 UTC)
Re: [TML] Refining Fuel Jeff Zeitlin (11 Oct 2020 23:03 UTC)
Re: [TML] Refining Fuel Bruce Johnson (13 Oct 2020 17:41 UTC)

Refining Fuel Jeff Zeitlin 11 Oct 2020 22:33 UTC

If anything containing hydrogen is valid as "unrefined fuel", a ship
equipped with a refiner should be able to fill their active tanks by
refining from tanked cargo. For each dt of tanked cargo, you should be able
to get the following amounts of refined fuel (1 tonne = 1 dt = 14m3) from
the substances below (use fixed-pitch font to view):

(All substances are at STP unless otherwise noted, and are assumed pure)

Name           Density (kg/dt)     % H by mass   Refined fuel yield (dt/dt)
Water H2O               13958.         11.'11                    1.550'8
Methane CH4                 9.198      25.                       0.0023
Methanol CH3OH          11088.         12.5                      1.386
Ammonia NH3                10.22       17.647                    0.0018
Ethane C2H6                18.987      20.                       0.0038
Ethanol C2H5OH          11046.         13.043                    1.4408
Hydrogen Chloride HCl      20.86        2.'77                    0.00058
Hydrogen Fluoride HF        1.15        5.                       0.00058
Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2  20195.          5.88                     1.18794
Sucrose C12H22O11 (1)   12320.          6.43                     0.7925
Butane C4H10               35.         17.24                     0.00603
Butanol C4H9OH          11333.         13.51                     1.5315
Benzene C6H6            12264.          7.69                     0.9434

(1) Bulk white sugar form

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

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