Re: [TML] [MGT2] Is skimming supposed to be near-suicidal for Adventure-class ships? Jeff Zeitlin (10 Oct 2020 22:26 UTC)

Re: [TML] [MGT2] Is skimming supposed to be near-suicidal for Adventure-class ships? Jeff Zeitlin 10 Oct 2020 22:25 UTC

On Sat, 10 Oct 2020 22:22:12 +0100, Timothy Collinson wrote:

>                                                          (I'd have liked a
>rule where 'small gg' or 'large gg' made a difference, but no matter.)

That's actually fairly easy to fiat: For a transition between any given
layers in a small GG, treat it as one layer "less" from a large GG (that
is, Wisp in SGG is not even in atmo on a LGG; topmost 'shallows' in SGG is
Wisp in LGG, etc.).

If you like, you might also fiat that fuel intake in SGG is half what it is
in the _same_ layer of a LGG (that is, if you're in SGG 'shallows', you
only get half the fuel per pass that you would in LGG 'shallows').

This gives the players some choices to balance: Go for the LGG and quicker
refueling, but with higher risk of damage, or go for the SGG with lower
risk of damage, but take longer to refuel?

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