Simplelists Acquire 'DiscussThis'

Posted on May 21, 2014

We are very happy to let you know that Simplelists have acquired DiscussThis, another group email service.

Business deal

It’s an exciting time at Simplelists - as we expand we are continually improving the user experience and adding new aspects to our service. Acquiring DiscussThis made a lot of sense for everyone because DiscussThis provided a service that was similar to Simplelists and Simplelists is continually upgrading to keep up with new developments in the ever changing tech industry.

Acquiring DiscussThis has added to the increase in growth of the Simplelists customer base while providing customers who made the transfer from DiscussThis a smooth and easy transition alongside other advantages.

Customer Benefits

There were several benefits for DiscussThis customers who made the transition to Simplelists:
  • A Free Month - Simplelists provided customers that made the transition from DiscussThis one month of free service to get started. This was in addition to the free month that was provided by Discuss This in April.
  • Lower Prices - multiple lists are cheaper at Simplelists than they were at DiscussThis, they start at just £30/month for up to 1000 list members for unlimited use.
  • Smooth Transition - Simplelists handled the transition for customers so that they saved time and effort. We transferred customers list data to Simplelists so that customers accounts were set up quickly and easily (please note that no credit card information was transferred).
Sign up for a Simplelists account here.



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